Since the first time I tasted creme brulee I've wondered what was in it. (as I do most food items) And have been intrigued and slightly intimidated by it.
Then, I just got over it and made up my mind to buy the tools, get a recipe and go for it.
I did it! One night in the middle of the week, I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought a creme brulee set. Then I headed home to Google some recipes and cross reference my cook book.
I had cream, eggs, sugar and the equipment. I was ready to go. Almost.
I had to first fill the torch with butane gas. This had me worried a bit. Instructions said I could DIE if I inhaled the gas. But I couldn't avoid smelling it as it came out. I started to feel like my larynx was disintegrating. And I couldn't even tell if I was doing it right. It was a little troubling.
I'd come this far, no death inducing torch was gonna stop me! I went outside (in 30 degree weather) and held it as far away from my face as possible and pumped the gas into the torch. Creme Brulee was going down that night.
Heavy Cream
Egg Yolks
Vanilla (extract or beans)
1. Heat some milk (slowly)
2. Beat some egg yolks and heavy cream together
3. Add Sugar and Vanilla
4. Gradually pour mix into heated milk
5. After the mix is heated through, pour it into ramekins
6. Bake for about 25-30 minutes or until liquid takes on Custard appearance/consistency
7. Remove from oven and let cool
8. Spread sugar over cooled custard
9. Scorch sugar with torch and let cool
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