Monday, November 9, 2009

About me

My name is Chaundra, that's me in the picture cradling a homemade, chicken pot pie fresh from the oven. Those bowls? They're for my guests. Cooking and serving are my things. Well, those are a couple of my "things." I'm a writer, a mom, a wife, and I work in the real world at your standard office job, for now.
I'm an aspiring personal chef, with some journalism experience and a passion for food. Until I started this blog, I was a little misguided about what I should be doing with myself. But it's pretty clear to me now. What I thought would be a catalog of my kitchen creations has clearly morphed into something else. I hope you like it. I hope you'll come back for more and most of all I want you to think about cooking in a new way. It's a natural part of our lives. Embrace it!
Email me at:



  1. Well, well, well....I must say--you have done an awesome job here on this blog! I like it alot. Yeah, I know you..yeah, I know what you're capable of, but man....I'm glad to know that I can send a request down to Florida for some homemade cakes to be shipped all the way to Los Angeles, CA!!!

    Keep up the great work!!

    Pray you and the family are well!

    -James and the Davis Family

  2. Check you out! I'm so proud of you, lady. Never neglect the gift (1 Timothy 3:14); always stir up the gift (2 Timothy 1:6). What a blessing...! We surely love you and your family.

    -Devri (from "-James and the Davis Family")
