Monday, December 28, 2009

Duck, Duck Oooo

Isn't it amazing that chickens aren't extinct or endangered? I mean we eat a lot of chicken. A LOT. The chicken farmers are doing a great job. Think about it.

Needless to say (although I know I've said it before) I just get tired of chicken. And I'm pretty creative with the preparations but still, it's chicken. Lately, I've been on a self-imposed Chickenless Challenge.

In the farmer's market I don't even look at the chicken, I'm exploring other meats. This Spicy Duck Breast is just one result of my explorations.

I had Red Curry Duck one day at cooking school. I still think about that succulent duck. It made me so happy, euphoric. I'm not ashamed. This ecstasy overcomes me many times when I've eaten something thoroughly satisfying.

The experience motivated me to try cooking duck myself. I found the fowl in the farmer's market. I brought him home, sprinkled him with salt and pepper and roasted him in the oven.
Then I built a spicy, tangy and sweet sauce full of peppers, garlic and ginger. We ate it nestled between some kale and mashed sweet potatoes.

Duck Breast
Red Pepper
Green Pepper
Minced Garlic
Red Wine

1. Place the breasts, skin side up in a roasting pan. I used one with a built in rack, this allows the fat to drip down into the pan, while the duck fat gets crispy on top of the rack.
2. Cook for about 30 minutes on 350 degrees
3. Remove and let rest.
4. I built my sauce in a large skillet. I started with a little olive oil and the chopped peppers, garlic and some onion. Then I grated fresh ginger into the mix. Poured red wine into the pan and let it simmer and reduce.
5. As the sauce is reducing (thickening up and stuff) I added more seasoning "to taste" i.e. the honey, more salt, garlic powder, etc.
6. Once the sauce is ready, you'll know. =)
7. Slice the duck breast and then toss it into the pan to coat it and let it absorb some sauce

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