Friday, April 30, 2010

Mexican Flatbread Pizza

Yeah, it was delicious. I still have a few slices left (for now).

It's a thin crust pizza topped with black bean paste, red onions, cilantro, tomatoes, chicken and salsa.

Of course, we canNOT forget about the cheese, it's like the glue that holds it all together.

Pillsbury Thin Crust pizza dough
Chicken (cooked and chopped)
Mexican blend of shredded cheese
Red Onion (sliced)
Green Bell Pepper (small dice)
Cilantro (fresh)
1 can of Black Beans (pureed in a food processor)
Tomatoes (fresh, sliced)

1. Roll out the dough onto a cookie sheet. Then prebake it in the oven for about 5 minutes. This helps it crisp up before you load on the toppings. Pull it out and set aside.
2. Get your toppings ready. Cook the chicken (I fried mine, but you can grill yours, or's a personal decision) Chop your onion, dice your pepper, chop the cilantro
3. Take one can of black beans (do not drain) and puree them in your food processor or blender. If you don't have one, just mash them up with a fork. That's what I used to do, trasnfer them into a bowl and mash.
4. Spread the black bean puree over the pizza crust with a spatula or spoon.
5. Sprinkle the peppers and some of your cilantro, now spread some salsa on top.
6. Finally add your chicken, onions, tomatoes and cheese
7. Bake at 350 until the crust is brown.

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