That's a good way to describe food when it's not fancy.
When it's more practical than pretty, like these chicken quarters.
No fuss, just chicken in a cast iron skillet.
Add crushed garlic cloves, some rosemary, salt and olive oil.
Then you can eat them with some hearty leafy greens like these rutabaga greens
Chicken Leg Quarters
10 Garlic Cloves
1tbsp Olive Oil.
1. Drizzle Olive Oil over the chicken. Then season it with Salt and Pepper and Rosemary. Rub it all over the chicken, under the skin and on top.
2. Smash all the cloves so that they are open and the oils can seep out. Toss them in a skillet. Place the chicken on top and bake in the oven on 350 for about 40 minutes.
how in the heck did i miss THIS meal?