I love the stillness of the morning. I feel like God is perched on the edge of his seat reaching down to gently nudge us from our slumbering. He's listening for our cries of gratitude. It's so quiet.
I know he hears me clearly in the morning.
When I do the right thing and get a full night's rest, the snooze button doesn't tempt me to linger. Then I have more time to talk to Him and that nourishes and charges my spirit. Then I nourish my mind and my body with a protein packed breakfast like this fritatta.
4 Eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup chopped chicken
1 cup of baby spinach
1/2 cup of Feta cheese
1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes
Salt & Pepper
1. In a small combine milk and eggs. Beat until the yolks and whites are combined. Toss in the Feta. Set aside. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. In an ovenable skillet, sautee your chicken, onion until onions are soft. (I recommended using cooked chicken, but if you wanted you could cook raw chicken at this stage, just be sure it's completely cooked before adding the other ingredients.)
3. Toss in the tomatoes and spinach, let the spinach wilt down. There will be moisture in the bottom of the skillet and that's good.
4. Now pour in your eggs, push them around until they begin to solidfy on the bottom. DO NOT beat vigorously to scramble. You just want to make sure the liquid portions have an opportunity to firm up.
5. Once the eggs look mostly set, you can place the skillet in the oven for 5-7 minutes to finish up.

Dish looks delicious, but the writing is beautiful!