I've been thinking. Thig blog is called Life In Dishes because I strongly believe there is no way to separate the two.
Life and Dishes go together. Without food we cannot live. I think you get that.
But I've been yammering on about food so much, I haven't shared much about the many things happening in my life.
We haven't even talked about Meryl Streep yet for goodness sakes. (This will make more sense later, I promise)
This week my daughter's daycare banished her because of a little redness in the corner of her right eye. They are real watch dogs when it comes to Pink Eye. It honestly looked like maybe she'd poked herself in the eye, but since she declared "No, I did NOT get poked in the eye or anything like that," we were forced to take the day getting clearance from the pediatrician. Ugh.
When forced out of school, what better way to spend the day than making cookies, right?
I like the new look. The only thing is I can barely see the words in your cloud. They're too light.