Thursday, August 14, 2008

Broccoli Trees

Children are so amusing. My 2-year-old makes me laugh on a daily basis. It's her genuine and uncensored remarks about the world that are so refreshing, true and downright funny. At the very least, her interpretations are cute.

For instance, she likes broccoli. When I roast it she picks it up with her fingers and chomps it down. 

Initially, I would chop hers down into pieces small enough for her load onto her tiny toddler utensils, then she noticed the pieces on my plate. 

So without asking she began to grab florets off my plate. "Mmmm, I like dat trees!"

"Mommy gimme dat trees," she says. 
I'm amused and would be content to let her continue calling them trees. They do resemble tiny oaks. But I must be responsible and correct her, even if I get a kick out of her honest assessment. So I tell her. "This is broccoli. Can you say broccoli?"
She nods and says "Mommy gimme dat broccoli trees!"

Fresh Broccoli Heads
Olive Oil
Additional Spices of your choice. 

1. Chop broccoli heads into bite-sized pieces
2. Toss with olive oil to coat
3. Add in seasonings
4. Spread out on baking sheet and bake in oven (or broil for crispier finish)

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