Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blueberry & Ricotta Oatmeal

I'm not a big fan of oatmeal. It's a texture thing. However, from time to time, I will give it another chance. I reintroduce myself because I know it's a source of good carbohydrates and fiber. I've learned that when I accessorize them well, with a mixture of toppings, I enjoy them more. Nuts, dried fruit, brown sugar or whatever I can find.

This time around, I was inspired by the Ricotta Pancakes at Highland Bakery. They were creamy and moist, containing silky ricotta in the batter. Then instead of using maple syrup, they gave me a side of blueberry compote. It was tangy and sweet. The fruit cut the richness of the pancakes. That's the way to accessorize!

I totally stole the idea for my oatmeal.

1/2 cup of rolled oats
1 cup of water
1 tbsp ricotta

Start the oats in a dry cold pot. I learned you get creamier results this way. Then add cold water. Turn on your pot and bring the mix to a boil. Continue to stir as they cook. The oats will absorb the water and start to thicken. Now toss in the blueberries and keep on stirring. Within 3 to 5 minutes the oats will be ready and the blueberries should be broken down a bit and combined in your oatmeal.

At the end. Fold in a tbsp of ricotta and drizzle honey over your oats, brown sugar if you'd like and some fresh blueberries.

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