Friday, May 3, 2013

Like it's golden...

There I was minding my business, picking up produce. That's when I spotted them.

Golden Beets.

I smiled. I hadn't seen them here before. At least I don't remember seeing them.
Surely, I would have made a move if I had.
I mean, Golden Beets just sounds like something I need to be eating.
I couldn't wait to get my hands on these. I peeled them and rubbed them down with olive oil.
Then roasted the beets to bring out their rich flavor. They were sweet and earthy. Then, I topped them with that tangy creamy matter called goat cheese and rested them beside some roasted onions on a bed of spinach all drizzled with honey and balsamic vinegar.

 If I'm going to eat a beet at all, it may as well be golden, right?

Yes! Let's be regal with our food selection.

Then we can say things like, "So, the other day while I was eating my golllden beets..." and feel all fancy.

2 Golden Beets
1 small onion
olive oil
goat cheese
balsamic vinegar

Slice your beets and onions. Coat with olive oil and lay on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt. Roast at 425 degrees for about 20 minutes, flip the beets and onions about half way through the time. Serve warm with a sprinkle of goat cheese and a drizzle of honey and basalmic. 

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